Monday, February 2, 2009

My blog is seriously lacking

Honestly, I've been too tired to even think about updating this thing.

The last month has been pretty miserable with constant nausea and the occasional morning sickness. My nausea has finally slowed down a bit and I've actually had some energy, thank God. I also ate an entire box of Snicker's Ice Cream Bars this weekend. Yes, really.

I had my first doc appointment about 2 weeks ago. It went great and we even heard the heartbeat, which sounded great at 176 BPM! I just love my doctor and I'm so glad I took the recommendation for him!

I go back again next week for a dating ultrasound, so we'll get to see our little birdie finally! The doc said he thought I was probably around 10 weeks when he saw me (which I agree with) which means this is week 12. Wow! Almost done with first tri!

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