Monday, February 16, 2009

New Weekly Ritual

How far along? 14 weeks exactly
Maternity clothes? Just the belly band right now...Although, my mom is AWESOME and loaded me up with an entire box of new tops from Old Navy. Not quite ready for them yet though.
Stretch marks? Not yet, thank God.
Sleep: Sucks. I keep waking up every 1 hour on my back. I used to sleep like a baby.
Best moment this week: Well, it's only Monday but I'm not nauseous today!
Movement: None, boo.
Food cravings: I ate an entire jar of Izzy's pickles yesterday...In one sitting.
Gender: I think it's a girl :)
Labor Signs: Nope
Belly Button in or out? Still in, I'd be surprised if it ever popped.
What I miss: My appetite...I miss loving food. It's more of a chore now.
What I am looking forward to: Buying this stroller that Jordan and I have had our eye on for a while now
Weekly Wisdom: Take everyone's unsolicited advice with a grain of salt. They mean well, even though it is incredibly annoying.
Milestones: None really. I've popped what I like to tell myself is a bump :)

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