Thursday, February 12, 2009

I've heard of these people, but didn't really think they existed.

I was asked by an almost-stranger if my pregnancy was planned. Why do people think that once someone becomes pregnant, they lose all sense of decency and think it's completely fine to comment on weight, give completely unsolicited advice and ask RUDE questions?

See, my boss is crazy excited about my pregnancy for some reason and feels the need to tell almost everyone we come in contact with. I had met this other woman, oh I don't know, maybe two or three times before this. Here is how the convo went:

Boss: Have you heard? Ashley is expecting!
Rude Woman: Congratulations! So, was it planned or was it an oopsie!?
Me: Uh....Yes. It was planned. ::evil stare::

People, don't do this. Unless you're my mom or BFF, it is NOT okay to ask about my weight, give advice (unless asked for), or ask if my pregnancy was planned! It would make all of the pregnant women in the world so much happier!

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