Sunday, March 1, 2009

I'll be finding a new hair stylist

I've been going to this woman for probably 6 months now, she still never recognizes me or even realizes that I am her client. First she asked me what high school I go to, I kindly informed her that I am going to be 23 in like 3 weeks, the high school days are long gone. Then she asked if our parents were "pissed" when we got engaged...Um, no. Then of course that was followed with "So when will you start having kids". Well, my dear, I am already 15 weeks pregnant. THEN she said "Oh happy mistakes! Just don't tell your kid that!". I was fuming. You know, sometimes people do plan pregnancies! I know it doesn't always work out that way but I promise it happens!

All of this plus it took her 3 hours to cut & highlight my hair. I don't have the patience for this crap.

BTW, I randomly post here but I update my other blog WAY more often:

Friday, February 20, 2009


I moved my blog to:

I'm having Oreo's & milk for breakfast...

Don't judge. They're delicious :)

New belly pic coming sometime this weekend!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

New craving

Smartfood White Cheddar Popcorn...Mmm!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

2 words...



You may or may not be aware of my admiration for anything bird or damask related :) Now I MUST have a girl...and it comes in a couple different colors! It's from - They have lots of other really cool wallpapers too.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Mom's are the best

She bought me a gigantic box of Old Navy Maternity shirts...Seriously probably 20 tops in there. Score! They all look so gigantic right now, it's hard to imagine I'm going to be that huge.


Do not, I repeat, do not do "Madame Zaritska Predicts Your Birth Experience"...unless you want be to totally scared to EVER giver birth! Here is what that crazy woman had to say for my birth experience:

The day you deliver, outside will be foggy. Your baby will arrive in the middle of the afternoon. After a labor lasting approximately 48 hours, your child, a boy, will be born. Your baby will weigh about 12 pounds, 11 ounces, and will be 17-1/2 inches long. This child will have light green eyes and barely there brown hair.

Um...12 pounds, 11 ounces and 17 1/2 inches long? Please say a little prayer for me!

Monday, February 16, 2009

New Weekly Ritual

How far along? 14 weeks exactly
Maternity clothes? Just the belly band right now...Although, my mom is AWESOME and loaded me up with an entire box of new tops from Old Navy. Not quite ready for them yet though.
Stretch marks? Not yet, thank God.
Sleep: Sucks. I keep waking up every 1 hour on my back. I used to sleep like a baby.
Best moment this week: Well, it's only Monday but I'm not nauseous today!
Movement: None, boo.
Food cravings: I ate an entire jar of Izzy's pickles yesterday...In one sitting.
Gender: I think it's a girl :)
Labor Signs: Nope
Belly Button in or out? Still in, I'd be surprised if it ever popped.
What I miss: My appetite...I miss loving food. It's more of a chore now.
What I am looking forward to: Buying this stroller that Jordan and I have had our eye on for a while now
Weekly Wisdom: Take everyone's unsolicited advice with a grain of salt. They mean well, even though it is incredibly annoying.
Milestones: None really. I've popped what I like to tell myself is a bump :)

Friday, February 13, 2009

First ultrasound!

Everything went well! Besides having a grumpy u/s tech and the baby not being cooperative enough to get good measurements, it was awesome! It took longer than I expected, which I was happy about because we got to watch him/her on the screen for a while! The baby was throwing its little arms around in the air and kicking it's little feet! The doctor said that we shouldn't be at risk for downs syndrome, and baby's heartrate sounded great at 162 BPM! He also decided to leave my due date at August 17th, so daddy and both grandma's will get a very good birthday present ;)

Here's a 4D pic of the back of the baby's head, back and little rump
Side Profile:
Leg, Knee and Feet

Thursday, February 12, 2009

I've heard of these people, but didn't really think they existed.

I was asked by an almost-stranger if my pregnancy was planned. Why do people think that once someone becomes pregnant, they lose all sense of decency and think it's completely fine to comment on weight, give completely unsolicited advice and ask RUDE questions?

See, my boss is crazy excited about my pregnancy for some reason and feels the need to tell almost everyone we come in contact with. I had met this other woman, oh I don't know, maybe two or three times before this. Here is how the convo went:

Boss: Have you heard? Ashley is expecting!
Rude Woman: Congratulations! So, was it planned or was it an oopsie!?
Me: Uh....Yes. It was planned. ::evil stare::

People, don't do this. Unless you're my mom or BFF, it is NOT okay to ask about my weight, give advice (unless asked for), or ask if my pregnancy was planned! It would make all of the pregnant women in the world so much happier!

I have an addiction

I am addicted to Rate My Space. This addiction first started when we bought our first house in 2007 looking for decorating ideas...Now with a baby on the way it's gotten way worse. I now have 8 pages of saved images in my Photobucket!

I have an insane obsession with anything bird-related or damask. I'm now secretly hoping for a girl so that I can combine the two ;) Here are things that made me say "oooooh"

I love these walls

::drool:: I must have a birdie mobile

I love lamp

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Whaaat? I'm in 2nd tri?

I didn't even realize until last night that I am in 2nd tri! The time really does fly. I thought that this would be the longest pregnancy ever, since we found out so early...but it is going by SO fast!

Want to know what else is awesome? I have some energy back! There were days that I seriously considered pulling a "George Constanza" and sleeping under my desk. I'm sure the sleepiness will come back but I'm enjoying my energy for now!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Names & Cravings

I'm finally taking it upon myself to keep updating this thing.

Current Cravings:
Cereal (Cocoa Pebbles, Fruity Pebbles & Lucky know, the healthy stuff)
Snicker's Ice Cream Bars
Water (which is so beyond weird, I hate drinking water)
Gyro's (They know me by name now, seriously)

Stuff that make me want to blow chunks:
Red meat
Fast food ::shudder::
Anything fried

Onto names! Jordan and I have talked about baby names before we even considered TTC. Landon (for a boy) has been at the top of our list for a couple of years now, but Grayson is growing on us, a lot. I also like that it isn't very popular, yet anyway. The only girl name we have been able to agree on is Ella Grace. I know, it's not original at all...but it's pretty and sounds good with our last name. I've come to the conclusion that no one picks "original" baby names. Well, unless of course you name your kid Apple, Plaxico or anything completely ridiculous like that.

Taking a belly pic way harder than it looks! Well, here it is is...the 13th week belly pic (please excuse my streaky mirrors, I swear they don't look that gross in person). I feel like I am abnormally gigantic.

Take 1 with my head cut off

Take 2 with some smiling action

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

My little plum

Our little bird is now the size of a plum! That's all :)

Monday, February 2, 2009

My blog is seriously lacking

Honestly, I've been too tired to even think about updating this thing.

The last month has been pretty miserable with constant nausea and the occasional morning sickness. My nausea has finally slowed down a bit and I've actually had some energy, thank God. I also ate an entire box of Snicker's Ice Cream Bars this weekend. Yes, really.

I had my first doc appointment about 2 weeks ago. It went great and we even heard the heartbeat, which sounded great at 176 BPM! I just love my doctor and I'm so glad I took the recommendation for him!

I go back again next week for a dating ultrasound, so we'll get to see our little birdie finally! The doc said he thought I was probably around 10 weeks when he saw me (which I agree with) which means this is week 12. Wow! Almost done with first tri!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Sick of being sick


I thought it would never end. I can't remember the last time I was sick this long. I was under the impression that I'm stuck only being able to take Tylenol while pregnant, which was obviously not doing anything for my flu. I finally broke down and called the Nurse Hotline at my OB's office. She was so sweet and understanding and told me I could go ahead and take some Sudafed to help "dry me up" and to keep a watch on my fever. Luckily, I am finally feeling human again!

This was also the first day that I didn't have any nasusea, which is awesome. I have developed absolutely no appetite though. I feel like I am absolutely starving but am only able to eat a couple bites of my food before I'm completely full. I miss loving food!