Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Goodbye bloat...

hello nausea. Yep, nausea has officially begun as of about 8:00 AM this morning. I gotta say that I would take the bloat over this nauseous feeling ANY day. I wish I could just puke so that the feeling will go away, but it doesn't seem like that's going to happen. So I'm just munching on crackers which has seemed to help.

I'm off to finish up last minute Christmas shopping, as I do every year. WHY do I have to be such a procrastinator? WHY?

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Seriously? Already?

I am bloated beyond belief. I came this close to unbuttoning my pants at work today. Granted, I was wearing my "skinny" work pants (bad choice) but dear Lord!

I also realized that I never posted a picture of my BFP (big fat positive). It's faint, but it's a line!

Monday, December 15, 2008

Call me Fertile Myrtle...we got a BIG FAT POSITIVE!

I can't believe it, I really can't...and on our first month trying! We are just so lucky. I feel like I see so many woman who try for so long with no luck. I am so happy and thankful we haven't had to go through that.

Now all I need to do is make our plan to announce it to our families for Christmas. I have a couple different ideas for what I plan to do. I've seen a lot of girls do the picture frame thing with the saying:

Picture Frame.... $$
Christmas card... $$
Wrapping paper... $$
Realizing there are 3 people in this picture.... Priceless!

That one might fly right over their heads though :)

Monday, November 24, 2008

It's a secret...Shh!

As of 1 week ago, Jordan and I have decided to start trying to have a baby! We'll be cutting it close, but we're really hoping we can get pregnant by Christmas so that we can surprise our families.

I decided that I want to blog everything so that I can have something to look back on later in life when our future baby isn't a baby anymore. Hopefully I'll be posting again in a couple of weeks with some good news! After being recommended by many women, I went to the Dollar Store and stocked up on pregnancy tests. I have a feeling peeing on a stick is going to be my new favorite hobby for a while :)